Thursday, May 7, 2009

Attempt #2: The Blog is Back

As some of you may have noticed, my blog sort of disappeared after only five entries. Since then, I have traveled around most of Sierra Leone, spent about 5 months in Liberia, made my way back to Sierra Leone a few times, visited Guinea, and gone on vacation to Ghana and France. You may also notice that my blog title now says, “Kondén Diara: Travels in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Uganda, and Rwanda”. As rainy season fast approaches, I’ve decided to dodge the insane humidity and downpours of the West African coast and make my way east. But first I’ll be taking another trip for a few weeks to the forest region of Guinea, right on the border with Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Since I have not posted anything for the past 8 months, I have lots of stories to tell. Some are about my experiences, and some are about the interesting people I’ve met throughout the year. Plus there will be lots more from Guinea, Uganda, and Rwanda. Get excited!

The Lumley Boys

During my first month in Freetown, I spent my days interviewing a group of ex-combatants who live on the streets in an area called Lumley. After I finished with all of the interviews and a big group discussion, we decided to celebrate with a feast. We bought ingredients at the nearby market to make a traditional Sierra Leonean dish called "Groundnut Stew", and then cooked the meal in their "kitchen", aka a patch of sidewalk on the street where the guys spend most of their time.